I’m struggling with ESSENTIAL statistics for behavioral sciences... What on earth can I do to improve? I’ve been trying exceptionally hard to understand each and every concept. It is very important because I’ll be using it for my researches in 2nd and 3rd year. I don’t want to imagine what life would be like when I do my research if I still couldn’t understand these ESSENTIAL statistics...

Why has it got to be so hard for me to understand these things? Can’t my critical and analytical thinking help me to understand? What kind of special abilities do I need to possess to compute them?

Argh... I’ll crawl till the end no matter what. I’m going to master statistics. It’s ESSENTIAL.

1 Response
  1. Satharial Says:

    Er.. Motivational as one of your tags? That's interesting.. Well, you could probably try your hand at a few more questions.. Though this advice might be a bit late though.. d: