Everyone - no matter how successful - has periods of heartache and despair as well as joy and happiness.

What can we do about this?

-continue sinking to the deep end of the pool?

-struggle to swim even if you don't know how to swim?

Felt like giving up at times and just let it be. But I'm afraid that I might regret...

I have to pick myself up!

Go back to the drawing board! Not just staring at it but draw something. Who cares if it is nice or ugly.

Not going to let myself drift around doing nothing...

I've finally come this far. Choosing a degree which is kind of against my parents will. Graduating from a one-year foundation which i admit, done badly. I knew very well that I could have done better...sigh. Anyway, I've came to B.Psych with a passion to understand human behaviors and make the world a better place =)
The 2-days orientation started on the 2nd of Jan, but i attended only on the 3rd which highly motivates me to study really hard at least till i complete my 3-years degree.
Meanwhile, mum has been working extra hard on lecturing me bout studying hard, concentrate, focus on my studies.......etc, etc......& last but not least, her main point, DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN ANY RELATIONSHIP... For some reason, her words are like bells, and they kept ringing loudly in my head. That's why I'm so frustrated nowadays.
I consider myself a rationale person with complicated thinking. Trust me, its not so good after all. I reflect a lot, in other words, I think a lot. And I especially focus on problems...sighhhhh...
So, I guess I have to prioritize my brain's function. Think only about my studies, and flush "other" stuff away, because according to someone, it's call wasting