Everything has to be moderated in our life. "Just Right"- not too much, not too less. It applies to almost every single aspect in our life from nutrition to morally righteous actions.

Minerals may be good for our body, but too much of any of those will cause side effect and may seriously harm our body. Hmm? Ironic, isn't it?

Here is a typical example I found interesting and I would like to quote from a American Columnist, ASHLEY COOPER.

The Seven Deadly Sins
Truth, if it becomes a weapon against persons.
Beauty, if it becomes vanity.
Love, if it becomes possessive.
Loyalty, if it becomes blind, careless trust.
Tolerance, if it becomes indifference.
Self-confidence, if it becomes arrogance.
Faith, if it becomes self-righteous.

Therefore, be modest, be moderate.
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