
I’m afraid of “them”.

“They” looked the same.

“These” people looked scary, aggressive and “they” are freaking me out!

I didn’t not want to make such prejudice statement actually, but it is my defense mechanism. It is the fourth time already. These African guys have been trying to talk to me and they are being so denial to me trying so hard to ignore them.

The guy that came and interrupted my friend and me today was the worst that I’ve ever came across. He came so near to us. Both of us were shocked, frightened, trembling…….

We wanted to tell him off right into his face but were afraid of what he is going to do to us. We desperately wanted to call for help, and even cry. Thank god I saw Zen. Thank you very much Zen. Not forgetting Sarah, Melody and Helene.

After he left, both of us were so aware of the people around us. Those guys looked so alike. We were “On-Guard”. Every time anyone of them walked past, we were shocked and alarmed, “Is HE back?”

It took us quite some time to recover from that incident and we were both very angry when we thought of how he tried to manipulate us and belittle us.

Urgh, I’m so sick about it…

I hope that it wouldn’t happen to me anymore!